One Voice Georgia
The Arc of Southwest GA Joins One Voice Georgia for the CELEBRATION of the 31st Anniversary of the Americans Disability Act (ADA): You Can Too!
About the Event
One Voice Georgia for Disability Rights will bring together community members, with and without disabilities, from across the state to move with a unified voice in support of inclusion and empowerment.
A run, walk, roll, and bike event benefitting people with disabilities and their families. Every mile represents how far we have come and how far we have yet to go in our fight for equal rights for Americans with disabilities.
Friday, July 23rd – ADA 31st Anniversary Celebration
Veteran’s Amphitheatre
6:00 PM
Live Music | Silent Auction | Cornhole Tournament | Food Trucks | Kids Activities | Vendors | Much more……..
Saturday, July 24th – One Voice GA Run, Walk, Roll, and Bike
Flint River Trail – 1 mile and 5k
8:00 AM
If you are interested in becoming a Sponsor, please follow the above link to download and complete the form. Once completed, email the form to Shannon Rogers. If you have any questions you can contact Shannon at 229.888.6852 ext. 365.
As a member of The Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP), we adhere to AFP’s ethical guidelines, codes, and standards.
Event Sponsors & Community Partners
What We Believe
We believe all individuals, regardless of disabilities or exceptional needs, have strengths, abilities, and inherent value and should experience the same opportunities, rights and freedoms as inclusive members of the community.